Little Star
Early season yellow skin creamer variety.
- Round shaped tubers, in small and medium sizes.
- Vibrant and bright yellow skin finish.
- High tuber count per plant and early maturity.
- Lower nitrogen requirements in addition to easy top kill.
- Cooking quality is excellent; this makes Little Star suitable as a Gourmet potato in smaller sizes.
- Storability is good.
Rising Star
Early to mid-season red skin creamer variety.
- Round to oval shaped tubers, in small and medium sizes.
- Deep red colouring skin finish.
- High tuber count per plant.
- Lower nitrogen requirements.
- Cooking quality is great; this makes Rising Star suitable as a Gourmet potato in smaller sizes.
- Storability is good.
Yellow Star
Early to mid-season yellow flesh table stock variety.
- Round to oval shaped tubers, in small and medium sizes.
- Outstanding bright yellow skin finish.
- Cooking quality is excellent; this makes the Yellow Star highly suitable as a Gourmet potato in smaller sizes.
- Storability is good.